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How to Shoot Social Media Videos with your phone

Whenever you see brands posting premium-quality videos on social media, you might think they have big budgets and large production teams. Think again! It’s not the case. With the right usage of social media tools, a brand can easily shoot, edit, finalize, and distribute videos by using a single phone.

Wondering how to make a good video with your phone? Well, rather than purchasing exorbitant equipment or hiring a videographer, make a professional-looking and high-quality video by using your smartphone, ring light, tripod, and lapel microphone.

Tips And Tricks For Making Videos With A Phone

Understand the basic requirements of lighting

Selfies taken in the washroom are the perfect selfies. It’s because washrooms tend to have great lighting. When it comes to shooting video, lighting can either make or break the quality.

Every source of light has a different color. Avoid mixing fluorescent light with yellow light or yellow light with any other light. It gives a discoloration effect. Make use of natural light in order to get the best results. You are highly recommended to shoot between the golden hours of morning and evening or when the sun is rising.

The key light: This is most certainly your primary light. Don’t shoot from directly above the light, the slight angle is mostly preferred by social media viewers.

The fill light: The key light creates shadows so a fill light lessens the effects of shadow.

The backlight: Backlighting defines the overall subject, and makes it unique against the background while giving it a three-dimensional look. To achieve a video like this, you need to make use of a lamp that’s placed on the ground or light in another room.

Make Use of a Tripod

One of the most common problems when it comes to shooting a video is primarily not the quality of the video, it’s because the weight of your phone is so light. The footage usually looks too shaky because even the slightest movement causes your camera to move. Investment in Tripod is a win-win solution to this.

If you want to have a sleek and smooth video shot, then camera tripods will work best for you. A premium-quality tripod is securely attached to the camera and allows the operator to move it the way they want. You can move the camera up, down, side-to-side, and in any direction you want. It results in a cinematically aesthetic video.

Use the rule of thirds

According to the rule of thirds, you should be mentally prepared to divide the viewfinder into grinds, both vertically and horizontally. How to make a good video on your phone using the rule of thirds? Well, divide the images into nine equal parts by equally spaced horizontal lines and vertical lines, two each. Virtually all video applications have a grid option. Turn the option on and leave it on while you are shooting the video.

Read More: What is reach in social media and how to improve it?

Be prepared to run out of power

If you make use of your phone as a video recorder, you should know that the battery of your phone will drain out in no time. So, when starting to shoot a video, keep a power bank, charger, and an extra phone along with you.

Know when to shoot vertically

Vertical videos are ideally suited for some social media platforms. Let’s suppose, you are creating a short video, vertical orientation would work best to keep the attention span of potential users.

When the video is shot vertically, it gives you an opportunity to be as creative as possible. However, these kinds of videos are becoming more and more popular on mobile-centric platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok where most of the users see the content on smartphones.

Find your angles properly

The angle you use for shooting a video is entirely dependent on the atmosphere and appearance of a location. Teeny little details such as eye contact or eyelines can make a huge difference, too.

Before you commence making a video, think cautiously about the angles you want to use.

  • If you want something to look large, scary, and dramatic you are suggested to shoot from a low angle with the upward placement.
  • If you want something to look little and adorable, you are suggested to shoot from a high angle with a downward placement.
  • Higher angles are also perfect for selfie-style videos.
  • If you are making a video where you are directly interacting with the users, make direct eye contact with the lens of the camera.

To get perfect angles, you can even sync your phone with another phone to check whether the angles are correct or not. Also, you can purchase a small mirror attachment that can be clipped onto your phone to show the screen of your phone.

Wrapping Up – Create And Edit Stunning Videos on Your Phone!

Gone are the days when you needed to buy exorbitant equipment to create professional-looking videos. Now, you can shoot, edit, and finalize great videos right on your smartphone.

The struggle to grab the attention of potential customers is a difficult task on social media. Every brand strives to get the attention of its target audience towards its brand. With the right settings, knowledge, and the aforementioned tips, you can create amazing video content using your phone.

If you still don’t know how to make a video on your phone, let Framez House guide you from the starting point till the end.

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