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What to Expect When Working with a Video Production Company

What to Expect When Working with a Video Production Agency

It can be hard to find the right video production company for your needs. There are a lot of  companies that produce videos these days, many of which are complete with high-end  equipment and expensive staff. If you have not stumbled across a video production in Dubai recently, you may be wondering what to expect when it comes to collaborating with them.  What is it like working with a video production company? When you start looking for a video  production company that offers multiple video production services, you will quickly find there  are tons of them to choose from. It is hard enough just to differentiate between the great ones  and the good ones, let alone figure out which one is going to be the best choice for your needs.  But that is why we are here. We want to help make the decision easier for you. We are going  to take you through important points that will help you determine if your goals align with what  a particular video production company has to offer. 

Benefits of Hiring a Professional for Your Corporate Videos

What is the purpose of your video? 

When it comes to picking the right Production Company, it is important to know what you are  getting into. You may find a Production Company who produces films based on your initial criteria,  but they may not be the best fit for your organization as a whole. It is essential to understand  what working with a Production Company means. One of the best tools in a Production  Company’s arsenal is the ability to listen. When collaborating with a client, especially for the  first time, we are not so concerned about what WE think about the project, as much as we want  to understand what YOU think about it. That way we can develop an accurate vision that  satisfies you and is brand-aligned. It is especially important to determine what story you want  to tell. Establish who your audience is, what your motive is and the crucial point of the film.  Having an established foundation for the film will give your Production Company a goal to  work towards. 



One of the best decisions you can make is to bring in a creative team to help you visualize your  story. For those who have worked with a video production company, there is nothing more  rewarding than having an outside perspective on your brand and content. From concept to post production, your production company has a whole team of creative individuals whose job it is  to bring your story to life. The important thing about working with a production company is  that they have their own team of writers, creatives and digital artists who can connect with you 

on the same level and help you to tell the story you want to tell. It is also extremely important  to know: 

Budget: Every project starts with a budget. You know you need a video; you just do not know  how much it will cost. You could go online and start randomly bidding projects or spend hours  trying to figure out what one costs. But it is always best to come to the table with an idea of  what you want out of your video and how much you are willing to invest in it. 

Timeframe: The timeframe is an important thing to think about, but do not forget other factors.  If you are filming at an event or location, this will need to be booked in advance. Planning with  your Production Company in advance means they can make sure the crew and all necessary  equipment is available to film on the day. 


Before you go on set it is important to make sure that everyone knows what they are doing.  Having a Production Plan (also known as a production schedule) with scheduled out tasks will  keep everyone moving in the right direction and help ensure your project gets shot correctly/on  time. The pre-production includes multiple steps which are storyboarding, casting, and setting  interviews, making sure all the equipment needed are there, scouting for a proper location, and  buying props. Above all that finalizing cast member and script is very crucial. However, if you  are hiring a production company to cover your event, the requirements are going to be quite  different when it comes to pre-production. In this case, you should inform the production  company of all the dos and don’ts.  


If you can be present on set, it is expected that you will be there. If you are not available, trust  the Production Company to get the best shots possible. Any correspondence between the  Production Company and your organization should be made early in the process. This way you  will have an opportunity to ensure they are getting what they need without causing extra stress  before the shoot day itself. You should know that production days are very hectic and sometime  some things need some changes, do be ready for that.  


Now that your project is underway, it is just a matter of time before the video you have invested  so much time and resources into is complete! Once the film has been shot and all of your assets 

have been added, it will be edited together. The screenwriter and creative director will work  with you through a video production company to deliver you a video’s message that will capture  and keep the attention of your audience. Based on your footage, and storyline, the construction the of story will happen by using narration, graphics, and special effects. Occasionally, changes  may be made based on feedback as it may affect the cost or schedule of a project. During this  process, you will be invited to view what will ultimately become the final cut. The benefit to  this is the ability to make minor changes before more time has been spent finalizing the film.  Once both teams are happy that the video is complete and meets (or hopefully exceeds)  expectations, it can be rendered, exported, and delivered to your organization!

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