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6 Ways to Use Video Marketing to Strengthen Your Brand

6 Ways to Use Video Marketing to Strengthen Your Brand

Video is one of the best ways to bring your brand alive and talk to customers. It can be used in a number of different formats, makes it stand out on the page and give people a way to connect with you. But many business owners do not know how to use video in an effective and meaningful way. And while they might think they do; they do not always get results. For your business to grow, you need to take full advantage of all the tools available to you. Video can be a powerful medium for bringing in new customers. If a picture says a thousand words, then a good video tells your audience everything they need to know about your product or service. Video is becoming the norm in marketing. Video viewers do not just watch the “how-to” video; they are drawn in by a powerful brand message or product launch.

This is where a strong Video Production company comes in. Video content marketing is important, with over 88% of businesses using video marketing. Luckily, it is easier than ever to create great-looking videos that your audience will love. Video marketing has become a key part of digital marketing strategies, and for good reason: it is an engaging way to reach your target audience and build momentum behind your brand. In this article Framez House will mention six ways to use video marketing to strengthen your brand. 


Most video marketers fail to properly introduce their company in the first few seconds of their videos. But the truth is, this is one of the most important moments on your website. After all, a majority of people will watch a video until they hear or see something that makes them click away. If you do not get them hooked right away, they will hit the close button before your viewers even realize what happened. The way you use corporate branding will depend on what you want your audience to experience. You might just want your audience to know about your brand or find out more about your services, or you might want them to take action and buy a product from you. Your tone should be friendly and engaging, whether you are talking directly to your audience or narrating the story about your brand. 

Target Audience 

Everybody wants to get their brand out there, but do not just make a video campaign so you can tick the ‘carry out video campaign’ box. Audiences change and evolve over time, and this is why you need to create a specific campaign for your audience. No matter how much you love a certain brand and use their products, it is completely unrealistic to assume that everyone 

else does. Even if your initial target audience is already buying from you, there are great chances that there are other people out there who would also buy from you as well. This is when it comes in handy to break down your audience even further by asking yourself where these people spend time together online, what language they speak and what age group they fall into, among other things. By getting specific about each group, you can then create campaigns that cater specifically to that group. 

Know The Story 

Start by asking yourself: Who is your audience? Is it millennials, parents, or a community of high achievers? Asking yourself questions about who you are trying to reach will allow you to create a story that resonates with them. Once you have some insight into who you are creating the story for, start gathering images, written stories and video testimonials and develop an emotional narrative around the people in your brand’s community. These are just a few ways to apply storytelling strategy to your marketing. By using customer stories in your marketing content, you will be able to connect with an audience on a personal level and engage them in ways that benefit both you and them. 


As a business owner, you probably already know the value of satisfied customers. They are loyal and they tend to refer other people to you based on their own positive experiences. However, not all businesses are making use of customer satisfaction surveys as part of their sales strategy. In fact, according to a Bright Local white paper, more than 50% of businesses surveyed do not distribute surveys. Have you ever relied on a happy consumer to sell your company? Perhaps you should have. If your consumers love their experience, they can serve as an unofficial sales representative for your business – sharing positive word of mouth about how great you are as a media production firm. In fact, if you really want to up your conversion rate and turn more of your potential customers into paying customers, it is important that you consider having a handful of videos that depict real consumers sharing their experiences with your product or service. 

Proof of Experience 

Did you know that nearly 45% of consumers would be more likely to buy from a brand if they saw a video about the brand? Video is one of the most powerful ways to build trust with your customers, but only if it looks like you know what you are talking about. It is so important that 

47% of marketers plan on increasing their video marketing budget in 2017. You do not need fancy equipment or access to exotic locations — just some creativity and skills that you already have. Maybe you cannot make expert-level instructional videos, but there are so many things you can tutor other people! 


Good video calls to action are essential for more than just traffic building though. They are a way to bring in new leads and connect with your subscribers. A call to action is a result of your video marketing strategy that compels your audience to take a certain action. It aims to guide your audience’s thinking and culminate in one simple (but effective) request. The best videos use subtle enough calls to action that they are effective without being distracting, but the most popular ones will also include a call to action in the middle of the video too.

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